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Management Services Software Services

Mergers & Acquisitions

In today's highly competitive and globalised world, Survival of the Fastest is the KEY. This makes global scale operations and fast response to Customer at best cost imperative. continue.....

Due diligence

Many a times Organisations to scale up and achieve Inorganic growth resort to acquisitions. Also, there are cases of Competition swamping or throttling with a view to make acquisition of a growing competitor continue.......

Customised Software Developement

One Size doesn’t Fit All: Just like ready-made garments do not comfortably fit everyone of the same size category, Organisations in the same Industry sector having similar products or services do not work under similar conditions, processes and systems. continue......

HR Consulting

In any Organisational analysis the Balance sheet is the most important and common document that is taken up for scrutiny. This no doubt reveals a lot but altogether misses the Most Important continue......

Strategic Marketing

It’s simply not enough to have a good quality product at the most competitive price!!!! continue.....

Web Technology, Web sites, Corporate Logos & Brochures Designing

Customised Web-based distributed software application development. Helps to get online live and accurate data from multiple locations of the Organisations to relevant personnel. continue......

Turnaround Management

There are many reasons which make Organisations become Sick.Complacency, lack of fore-sight, out-dated technology, continue......

Strategic Business Consulting

Most Organisations, especially Multinationals and Small & Medium Businesses, in India need specialised advise on:
Developing a Mission, developing Strategic Business Plan,Inculcate Professionalism continue.......

Quality Management Systems

Today, global reach is a must for any Organisation to sustain consistent growth. This can come only through tapping the global market.continue......
